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Meet Sherry Jiang


Sherry Jiang is a serial entrepreneur and a rising star in the world of FinTech startups.

Sherry received her degree from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley and after working a summer at Goldman Sachs, realized that investment banking was not for her. She was a business analyst at Amazon when she co-founded Code for Community, a nonprofit company with a mission to make technology more accessible and open to the community. After her time at Amazon, she joined Google and found her way to Singapore. After a few years working at Google, she made the leap and started her own FinTech company, Peek. Peek’s mission is to help you clean up the clutter by providing a clear, real-time picture of your net worth giving you actionable insights for all aspects of your financial life.

In the latest episode of the Revealing Li Podcast, Sherry talks about growing up in a bicultural environment, what motivated her career choices, the challenges she’s faced and the lessons she’s learned as a female founder and executive leader.

Ep4 of the Revealing Li Podcast, Invalidating the Hypothesis That You're Not Good Enough with Sherry Jiang, is available now on Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible. I hope you enjoy the show.

Click here to listen on Spotify

Click here to listen on Amazon Music

Click here to listen on Audible

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